
Frayser is one of the largest neighborhoods in Memphis, stretching north from the city’s urban core to the rural Shelby Forest across more than 20 square miles. It is one of the city’s most disinvested neighborhoods but is rich with community activism. The resident-led Frayser 2020 community revitalization plan is focused on growing youth, reducing crime, and investing in infrastructure and amenities while the annual Frayser Festival celebrates the community’s bright spots. Frayser is home to many small businesses as well as Nike’s $301 million distribution center.

Development News Mayor Strickland celebrated at the event marking the completed renovation of a once-blighted home in Frayser

Frayser CDC focuses in on blighted MLK zone

Frayser barbershop renovates, plans job growth

Feature Story Ed Rice 2

Ed Rice Community Center anchors Frayser

Feature Story Westside Elementary

Westside Elementary stands out in Frayser

Feature Story New Hope Christian Academy urban farm

VIDEO: Community collaboration in Frayser