
Feature Story This week, we wrap up the More For Memphis series and take a look at all of the focus areas that were addressed throughout the plan's creation. 
Development News “It was truly inspiring to see so many Memphians lend their talents and time over a weekend to help solve pressing civic challenges," says Jessica Lotz, Executive Director at Innovate Memphis.
Feature Story Recycled tires serve as art and safety features along Broad Ave. bike lanes. (submitted)
Feature Story Improvements to Morris Park were underway in January 2022. (Shelia Williams)
Feature Story New Explore Bike Share eBike station downtown at Central Station Hotel (submitted)

New fleet of eBikes energizes Explore Bike Share ridership

Feature Story (High Ground News archives)

Memphis' BEST wants renters to know their rights

Feature Story The vacant barber shop at 769 National Street was topped with a sign made from repurposed Christmas lights and the boards that once shuttered the windows. (Markus Mueller)

What have these Heights organizations been up to since 2018?

Feature Story Drew Joyner and partners Octavius Nickson and Chris Hendrix of Nickson General Contractors purchased the 11-bay retail center at the southeast corner of Summer and National Street in May. They're now updating the exterior. (Cole Bradley)

What's happening on Summer Avenue?