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High Ground News is a community-focused digital magazine in Memphis, Tenn. We go deep into "news deserts" — neighborhoods that traditional media outlets typically ignore. We see the city's challenges but zoom in on solutions and the people developing them. 

Will you support micro-local journalism? Here's how: 
  1. Subscribe to our weekly e-edition!
  2. Share the weekly e-edition!
  3. Like us on social @highgroundnews. 
  4. Share our stories, videos, and other social media content. 

Our content is always free, but you can help support our freelancer writers, photographer, videographers with a donation. Just click here.

Become an underwriter. High Ground underwriters believe in our work and support it through grants and larger donations. We offer a variety of underwriting and partnership opportunities, including the ability to sponsor a particular neighborhood or subject area. Contact our publisher Emily Trenholm at (901) 246-3808 or [email protected] for more information.

High Ground is published by Issue Media Group. Our publications are supported in part by underwriting partnerships with local businesses, institutions, nonprofits, and foundations to support and expand coverage of job growth, economic development, real estate, non-profit innovation, city building, and innovation. Learn more about our underwriting policy here.